Sausha shares 'how you can set yourself up for success' in the first 20 minutes of your day! By setting intentions, using the law of attraction you can navigate situations that would normally give you immense anxiety.

First 20 minutes of your DAY: 

-leave your phone alone (app limits and airplane mode)

-do things that bring you JOY! You want activities that will put you into your high vibe mood

-focus on meditation, journaling, affirmations (setting the intention for the day)

-read a book (motivational, Bible, self-development...)


Raising your energy first thing in the morning- you can then carry that energy throughout the day! Remember to check in with yourself to see what you need. Listening to that intuition can guide you as to what types of actions you NEED!

Tune into today's podcast to hear my recent experience using my highest self to trust the process.

Remember to do things that help you to raise your vibration to get your ready for your DAY! Even if you can only spare 5 minutes. It's a start!

Want to work with Sausha? Here are some Special Offers:

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Instagram: @manifestingwithsausha

1.Reiki Sessions & Chakra Intuitive Sessions

Booking NOW Available! Via ZOOM, helping you to clear your energetic blocks & making recommendations to further your healing.

2.Life & Business Coaching Sessions

explore what it is you desire... what is blocking you? And how to 'Manifest Your Dream Life.' Focus on personal growth & business growth

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3.Coming SOON! New Facebook Group- October 2021 

focusing on 'how to use' my NEW Journal/ Planner  Launching SOON!!! EMAIL ME at [email protected] to pre-register!

Feel free to connect with Sausha Davis with any further questions at: [email protected]