In today’s podcast episode I share with you 10 ways that you can start using a law of attraction today! Save this one because you want to come back and listen more than once.✨

as you know, the law of attraction is one of life‘s many mysteries. When we intentionally use the law of attraction, we can create anything we desire.

This isn’t hippie-woo-woo magic. This is real life. I will show you how I use the law of attraction to not only manifest my deepest desires but to promote overall health and wellness for myself and my family.

Listen in and let me know what you think!

Side note - we only have a couple spots left for the upcoming Black Hills retreat! This is the perfect opportunity to dive deep into your personal development and create the space for yourself in this chaotic world.

Book your free clarity call at and let's see if the retreat is a perfect fit for you. Excited to connect!