What does it mean to get uncomfortable or to lean into the discomfort? What does it mean to learn and grow?   Sometimes the uncomfortable thing is just saying yes to what we want. It sounds kind of silly, but it really can be that simple. Simple, yes, but not always easy.   You see, a lot of us are so used to telling ourselves no. We tell ourselves that we don't have enough time or money, or that we don't deserve to have or do what we want, or that we're too busy with our kids or other obligations.    Almost all of us have these objections or these excuses that hold us back - myself included. I've had to lean into my own discomfort, push past my excuses, heal my stories, and take action to learn and grow in my own life; and that is how I've gotten to where I am today.   And I know you can do it too!    If you enjoy this episode I would love it if you would share it on social and tag me @sausha.davis. I love hearing what you think about them.

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**Are you wanting to escape the chaos of your everyday life, drop all of the labels, and just be yourself? If so, I have the perfect opportunity for you to do just that. This spring, I will be co-hosting another all-inclusive 4-Day Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreat in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Limited spots are available, so head over to saushadavis.com to secure your spot today. I hope to see you in the Black Hills!**