We are really good at complicating life. We worry about the future and ponder all of the "what-ifs". If we could instead focus on being present and find joy in the little things, we'd be a lot more happy and content.

Feeling more happy and content helps us with the process of manifestation as well. We tend to think of it as, "when I get a new job, or when I make more money, or when I find the perfect spouse, etc," that we'll then be happy. But that's backwards. When we focus on feeling happy first, then we'll attract what we desire into our lives. When we feel happy, content, and abundant, we become an energetic match for all of the good things that we desire.

It really is that easy. Your birthright is to feel happy. Your soul's purpose is to feel joyful. 

I am doing a limited-time offer for my podcast listeners only. Technically my Manifesting Mastermind is now closed, but I am opening up 5 spaces (first come, first serve) to my podcast listeners. Join me and the other amazing participants in my mastermind to figure out what's holding you back from living the life you want to live and learn how to manifest your dream life. 

If you are serious about leveling-up and changing your life, please head over to saushadavis.com/mastermind and book a FREE clarity call with me and I will hold a space for you. 

You will get support from me, the support of my high-vibe community, and all the tools you need to create your dream life. 

You want to be in this mastermind! I won't be running it again until 2021, and the price will be going up at that time, so the time to join is NOW!  

I'm looking forward to talking with you soon!