What does it mean to be "high vibe?" You hear this term a lot, but what does it actually mean? I think that a lot of people don't truly understand what a vibration is. 

Put simply, a vibration is a way to measure an energy source, and each and EVERY thing in this world has a certain vibration to it: humans, animals, plants, rocks ... literally everything has an energetic vibration. 

So, how can we raise our vibration to be part of that "high vibe tribe" we're always hearing about? 

I break down the process and give you easy and tangible tips in this episode to do just that!

Follow me on social @sausha.davis and let me know what you think of this episode!

**I have opened up applications to work with me one-on-one! If you're looking for support in your life, business, spirituality, or all of the above, head on over to saushadavis.com/applynow and fill out an application. I'll be in touch soon to see if we're a good fit to work together. I can't wait to hear from you!**

**And also - I have ONE spot still available for my 4-Day Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreat that I am hosting in the Black Hills with my friend, Jordan Wavra. It's going to be October 1-4, 2020. If you're interested in joining us, go snag this spot before it's gone!**