I have a very special guest today ... my sister, Sonja Shea!   Sonja is an autism mom, photographer, fiancé and an advocate for autism.
She runs her own photography business and has a studio located in Moville, IA. Until recently she also worked as a server at a chain restaurant in Sioux City, IA, but decided to take a break from that and focus on her business and staying home more with her son.
She is engaged to a wonderful man & father who loves both Thadius & her with all his heart and is always working his butt off to support them and make sure they have everything they need. 
Thadius is their amazing son who is 5 and just lights up their world every day.   That doesn’t mean she doesn't get frustrated or angry at times...because trust her, she does lol, but there isn’t a day that goes by that she's not proud of him. 
️ Raising a child with autism is something that nobody can train you for because every child is different. So Sonja and her fiance just do the best they can and they see where the day takes them!
Sometimes they have good days. Sometimes they have bad days.   To add to that...they also have an English Mastiff named “Zeus”, a chihuahua named “Babies”, a ferret named “Milo” and two fish lol.
Sonja's life can get pretty hectic, but it’s her life and she loves it! :)   Her hope by doing this podcast and sharing her experience with you is that it can help in some small way.
Maybe you have a child with autism ... or you are unsure and are going through the doctors right now to find out?
Maybe you have a family member/friend with an autistic child?
Either way, she hopes this just helps explain it a little better for people who have trouble understanding. 
️ If any of you ever have any questions about autism or where to get help, Sonja is always available to message on Facebook or email at [email protected]   And check out her photography page Shea Photography for any of your family photo needs!   Enjoy this insightful and beautiful conversation. You're really going to love this one!   Follow me on social @sausha.davis or on saushadavis.com and let me know what you think of this episode!