Episode 158: If You Dig Yourself a Hole You Can Still Get Out

Today, I want to talk about failure and putting ourselves down if we don't have this magical number, goal, or label that makes us feel worthy or successful. 

When I was younger I did not have a great mindset around money and didn't know how to manage it well, and therefore my credit score was pretty crappy and I had loads of debt.

Luckily I have learned from my past mistakes, my money management skills are way better than they used to be, and I am living in alignment with my financial goals. I got myself out of that hole! And let me tell you - it feels so much better.

So why am I sharing about this? Because I'm just a human having a human experience. If I can help someone else by sharing my own experiences and my own mistakes, then that's what I'm here to do. It is never my intention to make anyone else feel uninformed or less than, but to help them learn from my past experiences.

Just know this: even if you've dug yourself a hole - whether it's financial or otherwise - you can always get out. Don't give up. Ask for help. Learn from your mistakes. Set goals for your future. Make a plan to achieve those goals and stick to it. 

Imagine how damn good that will feel!

Follow me on social @sausha.davis or on saushadavis.com and let me know what you think of this episode!