Fear is Contagious


There is a lot of fear circulating in our world right now. Events are being cancelled, schools are being closed, and all of us are being asked to slow down and stay home much more than we're used to. 


We can crumble under the fear, anxiety, and unexpected changes in our plans ... or we can use this to our advantage. Most of us have a lot of extra time on our hands right now, so why not use that time to do something that will benefit us and the world? Why not start a blog or a new workout routine, read a personal development book, research meal plans, help somebody else, or connect with our families and friends on a deeper level? Why not make the best out of it?


My challenge for you: go an entire day without complaining. It's not easy, I'll admit, but it'll change your brain's way of thinking about your current situation ... and you may even find gratitude for what you do have!


Follow me on social @sausha.davis or on saushadavis.com


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