Studies are showing that more women today are becoming the breadwinners of their families, meaning that they bring in more income than their husbands or male partners. Many of these women downplay that fact though, or even lie about it, so others won't know that they make more than their spouses.   Can you relate to this? Have you ever made more money than your male spouse? Has it made you feel uncomfortable?   Why are we as women minimizing our success to make others feel more comfortable? What can we do to feel more comfortable talking about money?   Follow me on social @sausha.davis or on and share this episode with a friend!   Link to "Listen Money Matters" podcast episode referenced in this episode:

Studies are showing that more women today are becoming the breadwinners of their families, meaning that they bring in more income than their husbands or male partners. Many of these women downplay that fact though, or even lie about it, so others won't know that they make more than their spouses.   Can you relate to this? Have you ever made more money than your male spouse? Has it made you feel uncomfortable?   Why are we as women minimizing our success to make others feel more comfortable? What can we do to feel more comfortable talking about money?   Follow me on social @sausha.davis or on and share this episode with a friend!   Link to "Listen Money Matters" podcast episode referenced in this episode: