I coworker said to me the other day, 'If you aren't exhausted by the end of the day, then you didn't work hard enough'. 

I thought to myself, is that true? The short answer is NO. You do not need to feel burnt out, overwhelmed and exhausted to feel or be successful. That is the old way of thinking.

I would be lying to you if I didn't mention that for many years I attached my sense of worth to the amount of hours I could fit into a week. If I wasn't working or being production 24 hours a day then I felt unworthy. I still struggle from day to day and I wonder why! People still have the mindset that if you aren't constantly hustling then you can't be successful. I call bullshit. 

First, our definition of success may be very different from one another. Do not compare YOUR success to MY success. We have different lives and that is OK! Second, are we really showing up as our best selves if we are always working and/or exhausted all the time? My guess is probably not. You are a multi dimensional HUMAN BEING so to say that the only thing you do in life is work is crazy to me now. 

Listen in on my take on exhaustion and how you can refrain that to ABUNDANCE and be MORE successful in your personal and professional life. Time to get out of our comfort zones!