On the latest episode of the Conduit Street Podcast, David Juppe joins Kevin Kinnally and Michael Sanderson to discuss the fiscal implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, examine the "trigger" provision in the Kirwan Blueprint bill for education funding, and explore the viability of dipping into the state's rainy day fund to respond to the coronavirus public health crisis.

David Juppe, a professor in the Public Affairs department at the University of Baltimore and former senior operating budget manager at the Department of Legislative Services, is an expert on state and local finances.

MACo has made the podcast available through both iTunes and Google Play Music by searching Conduit Street Podcast. You can also listen on our Conduit Street blog with a recap and link to the podcast.

You can listen to previous episodes of the Conduit Street Podcast on our website.

Useful Links

Previous Conduit Street Coverage: Kirwan Blueprint Bill Heads to Governor, With a “Trigger” Provision

Previous Conduit Street Coverage: Hogan Seeks Rainy Day Funds for Coronavirus Response

Previous Conduit Street Coverage: States Are Using Budget Surpluses to Shore Up Rainy Day Funds

Previous Conduit Street Coverage: Previous Conduit Street Coverage: MACo Compiles List of Local Resources During COVID-19 Response

For up-to-date information and resources regarding coronavirus, including confirmed case counts and clinician guidance, visit http://health.maryland.gov/coronavirus.