Dan Lust, Mike and Tarun break down (2:49) the latest back and forth proposals for the CBA negotiations that appear to have come to an impasse. The MLB has announced that the first two series of the season will be cancelled. How does this compare to the 1994 strike? What are the next steps for negotiations? 

We are joined by Rob Dibble (37:10) who was a pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds and is a 2-time all-star, 1990 World Series Champion, and 1990 NLCS MVP. Dibble gives great insight regarding his first-hand experience with the 1994 baseball strike. Dibble speaks about the collusion and bad faith negotiations he witnessed during the years leading up to the 1994 strike. He also discusses the long term impact on the game of baseball.


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Dan Wallach (@WallachLegal) | Dan Lust (@SportsLawLust) | Mike Lawson (@mike_sonof_law) | Tarun Sharma (@tksharmalaw)

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