Episode 2 of Concrete Milkshake: a PopMob Podcast! Today we debrief our coalition Bloom/Pollinate event that took place on September 26th. We are deeply grateful to all our speaker and partners.

Coalition partners: Democratic Socialists of America (Portland chapter), Rose City Antifa, all our incredible community members!

Speakers: Juan Chavez (Oregon Justice Resource Center, @inafutureage), Mic Crenshaw (@MicCrenshaw), Laura Wadlin (Portland Community College Faculty Federation, @explauratory), Albert Lee (Portland DSA, @AlbertLee2020), Olivia Katbi Smith (Portland DSA, @livkittykat)

* Mic Crenshaw's speech:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHku63AOZBU&feature=youtu.be
* PopMob on twitter: @PopMobPDX