#015 How to seal the dilatation of the tank without entering it?

Where is a need, there is a solution.
And as we can see, the injection can be carried out even in the difficult conditions of the lack of regular supplies, and high temperature and humidity by a small group of trained people. 

This conversation proves once again, that persistence is one of the most important qualities needed in our industry.


I wonder how you deal with similar challenges?
Have you done an interesting repair and would you like to tell about it to a wider audience?
Maybe you have sealed a dam or a tunnel somewhere?
Share your experience and make this knowledge to go further into the world.
Thank you again, Frank, for this conversation, photos, and street sounds of your city that we're listening to right now.
As you may have realized, they accompanied us during this podcast.

Another episode of Concrete Injection Made Easy is in two weeks.
Make sure you hit subscribe if you haven't already, and I hope you will tune in next time.