#013 The main message of the whole episode is the need to plan for the future in a positive way. There is and there will be different kinds of crises. So we need to be flexible and prepared for that. One thing we know for sure is that there will be future crises. All our guests say remedial services will be needed, some say the future is here. All of them also say their product will be improved, focus on constant improvement and enhancement. All highlight the need to stay close to clients, gain insight into client needs. Also to deliver more content, use tech and digitalization to be there for customers 24 hrs per day. Very optimistic about the future. So that’s a good note to end on. So now I feel even more committed to this podcast to provide industry insights and products and solutions. The more we know, the better we can take advantage of the trends that are unfolding in front of our eyes, and with the podcast, I’ll be bringing all this to your attention.

Episode notes:

So thanks for tuning in and see you next time.