Heather DeSantis from Publicity with a Purpose created an entrepreneurial business in public relations.  After her first job in an advertising firm with 14 hour days, she wanted more balance in her life.  Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, Heather was willing to give it a shot.


Heather knows you can take your business from being online to also include offline.  PR allows you to get your message to the people that need it.  She feels that if you have a story to tell, it’s important to get it out.  You don’t need a website and the fancy bells and whistles.


Are you overlooking the smaller markets?  Heather’s advice:  Prosper where you are and become a hometown celebrity.


If you need more exposure for your business, Heather offers practical insider tips that will be helpful to you.









My mission is to provide you with killer content. Please submit questions and suggestions to [email protected] and maybe you and your idea will be featured on the podcast! For more information about coaching with me or to book a strategy session, please visit my website at www.amycannatta.com

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