Isaac Adams shares his thoughts and perspectives on the recent events and race tensions in America. Andrew reviews Malcolm X's autobiography and Karl recommends Malcolm Gladwell's new podcast.


Feature Topic: A Conversation About Race w/ Isaac AdamsRequired Reading: "The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley" by Malcolm XBest In Casts: Revisionist History


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Sensible and Human Things (Article)

Isaac Adams sits down with Andrew Collins.

Karl, Isaac, and the men of the Bull Moose, circa 2013 (Picture)

Isaac discusses these issues and events with Jonathan Leeman - "A Candid Conversation on Race, Grace, and the Church" (Audio)

"To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee (Quote | Karl's Post | Amazon)

Isaac writing on the importance of imagination (Article)

How Can Blacks and Whites Stand Together on Racial Injustice? (Podcast)

"Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Amazon)

"Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin (Amazon)

"Slugg: A Boy's Life in the Age of Mass Incarceration" by Tony Lewis Jr. & K.L. Reeves (Amazon)

"The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley" (Amazon)

Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History (WebsiteOvercast | iTunes)

Andrew's reviews of every Malcolm Gladwell book (Articles)

Books by Malcolm Gladwell (Amazon)

Malcolm Gladwell on the Tim Ferriss Show (Website | Overcast | iTunes)

Design & Website assistance by Rob Alvey (Website

Music by Rob Griffith (Bandcamp | iTunes

Concentricity FM is a collaboration between Karl Magnuson (Twitter | Instagram) and Andrew Collins (Twitter | Website). If you enjoyed the show, please consider subscribing, sharing it with your friends, and leaving a review + rating on iTunes! You can do all those things and more (including following the podcast on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram to get the latest updates) through the links below:
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Recorded: July 18th, 2016

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