Recent US Naval Academy graduate Zac Dannelly recounts his experience in Annapolis and shares about his area of work: Cyber Operations and Information Security. Andrew discusses Anthony Marra's book "A Constellation of Vital Phenomena" and Karl reviews the new Field Notes.


Feature Topic: USNA & Cyber Operations w/ Zac DannellyRequired Reading: "A Constellation of Vital Phenomena" by Anthony MarraField Notes: Byline, Summer 2016


SCHEDULE NOTE - starting in June, episodes will be released every *other* week until late summer / fall.

If you enjoy listening to the podcast, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review on our iTunes page!

#RIPChristinaGrimmie (Website | Channel | Tribute Video)

Karl's reflections on Christina's death (Medium)

Grimmie family GoFundMe page (Website)

The original cover of "Just A Dream" by Christina Grimmie and Sam Tsui (YouTube)

Sam Tsui's tribute to Christina Grimmie (YouTube)

Christina Grimmie's cover of "In Christ Alone" (YouTube)

NPR: 3 Hours In Orlando - Piecing Together An Attack And Its Aftermath (Article)

Compassion Fatigue (Wikipedia)

United States Naval Academy (Website)

US Military Academies (Website)

Sons of the American Revolution (Website)

USNA: admission process (Website)

Amazing Squash shots (YouTube)

InfoSec (Information Security) overview (Wikipedia)

The Southeast Outlook: Midshipman Zac Dannelly explains importance of faith, cyber security (Article)

USNA Graduates First Cyber Operations Midshipmen (Article)

The Telegraph: German nuclear plant suffers cyber attack designed to give hackers remote access (Article)

Cyber Policy Competitions (Article 1 | Article 2)

Good Kill (Trailer | IMDB)

"A Constellation of Vital Phenomena" by Anthony Marra (Amazon | Goodreads)

NYT Review of "A Constellation of Vital Phenomena" (Article)

Field Notes Summer 2016 COLORS Edition: Byline (Website)

John Dickerson on Reporter's Notebooks and Field Notes (Vimeo)

Rob Alvey has a severe case of Hamilaria (YouTube)

Visuals by Rob Alvey (Website

Music by Rob Griffith (Bandcamp | iTunes

Concentricity FM is a collaboration between Karl Magnuson (Twitter | Instagram) and Andrew Collins (Twitter | Website). If you enjoyed the show, please consider subscribing, sharing it with your friends, and leaving a review + rating on iTunes! You can do all those things and more (including following the podcast on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram to get the latest updates) through the links below:
Website | email | iTunes | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Spotify

SCHEDULE NOTE - starting in June, episodes will be released every *other* week until late summer / fall.

Recorded: June 14th - 30th, 2016

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