Previous Episode: 97 - Putin on the Ritz
Next Episode: 99 - Daydream Geneva

We roam over London, New York, Paris, Bilbao, Preston, and the Scottish Highlands, in a discussion of what cities and landscapes tell us about workers and the wealthy, how anarchism assists urban planning, imperial landscapes in pop culture, Boris Johnson's oligarch-pleasing Garden Bridge project, the Labour Councillor who bollarded himself out of a pint, how the National Gallery tried to discourage tourists, and more.  


Plus, photography: Stalin vs Henri Cartier-Bresson. 


Tim Waterman is Associate Professor of Landscape Theory at the Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL. His latest book is The Landscape of Utopia: Writings on Everyday Life, Taste, Democracy, and Design.


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The Landscape of Utopia by Tim Waterman (2022)


Nincompoopolis: The Follies of Boris Johnson by Douglas Murphy (2017)


Comradio ep 53 - Unsensible World of Soccer


Anarchy in Action by Colin Ward (2017)


The Child in the City by Colin Ward (1978). Full text


The World Bollard Association on Twitter


Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson (2016)


How we built community wealth in Preston


Ukraine official Twitter account on Coke and Pepsi


People's Republic of Walmart : How the World's Biggest Corporations are Laying the Foundation for Socialism by Leigh Philips, Michal Rozworski (2019)


Developing Socialism: The Photographic Condition of Architecture in Romania, 1958–1970 - Juliana Maxim (2011)


Photographer profile: Henri Cartier-Bresson

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