It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is the longest running TV sitcom in American history. We use examples from the controversial comedy to ask:

Should the working class be portrayed as largely good people in a bad system (a la Ken Loach) or as highly flawed?
How should our politics treat human nature? (Do Marxists ignore it? Are anarchists too positive about it?)
What role should humour play in getting along with each other and our differences (and indeed prejudices)?
What stance should socialists hold on gun control?

We also discuss political correctness, transphobia, Israel, antisemitism, consent and more.


Our Five Minute Focus this week is about the uncovering of an extensive, multi-million dollar, network of anti-LGBT and anti-women activity from the religious far right.  


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‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Creator Says the Show Doesn’t Take Political or Social Stances 


Netflix removes It's Always Sunny episode over blackface scenes 


Blackface Was Never Harmless 


Intent - It's...Magic! 


Narcissistic People Are More Likely To Take Part In Political Activities 


Violent Death Rates: The US Compared with Other High-income OECD Countries, 2010 (2016) - Grinshteyn and Hemenway 


GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS: Hegemonic Masculinity and Concealed Handguns in Gender & Society (2012) - Angela Stroud 


America's gun obsession is rooted in slavery - Carol Anderson 


Co-operation and evolutionary stable strategies 


Tip of the Iceberg: Religious Extremist Funders against Human Rights for Sexuality & Reproductive Health in Europe 


Sian Norris on anti-gender funding 


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