Greetings Comrades! Today I’m excited to announce a new opportunity to agitate, educate, and organize while we are all in quarantine (and hopefully beyond!) Comrade Birb’s Revolutionary Reading Club! The discussion forum is set up here. I’ll also be doing weekly podcasts reviewing what we’ve read and featuring comments from participants on the forum. We’ll...

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Greetings Comrades!

Today I’m excited to announce a new opportunity to agitate, educate, and organize while we are all in quarantine (and hopefully beyond!)

Comrade Birb’s Revolutionary Reading Club! The discussion forum is set up here. I’ll also be doing weekly podcasts reviewing what we’ve read and featuring comments from participants on the forum.

We’ll be exploring books by revolutionary and radical authors on subjects like:

Imperialism & Colonization
Class Consciousness
Dismantling Capitalism
Civil Rights
Community Organizing

The first book we’ll be reading together is Prof. Joel Andreas’ ADDICTED TO WAR – 2015 edition. It’s a graphic novel, and 74 pages long – with extensive sourcing in the index. You can find where to buy it in the forum post.

I’d like to open books to discussion for a month at a time. I know we are already into April, but given that this is a shorter read, and we’re all in quarantine, I think we can do this! My tentative plan is to announce our next book by April 15th, to give everyone time to get that as well. 

I’ve set it up so that you can login to the discussion forum using your FB, Insta, or Twitter credentials, and I’m just waiting on DNS to update so I can get the Google login option stood up as well. No need create a new account!

I really hope many of you will join me in this, and share what you learn in your own networks, which will help you to organize locally in your own communities.

I’m very excited to get started! Please share this with your family and friends who may also be interested.


Global Peace, Love, and Solidarity,

~trase/the birb

The post Revolutionary Reading Club appeared first on Comrade Birb .