Miriam Felton is a knitwear designer and all-around maker living in Salt Lake City. She has been self-publishing since 2004 and now teaches and designs full time.

In 2013, she committed to what she called a Year of Making – every day that year, she documented something she made by sharing a photo of it online, with the hashtag #yearofmaking. To get herself going, she further committed to make all of her new clothing that year.

Miriam continued into a second year of making in 2014, without the clothing constraint, and on a whim last January 1st, I decided to do it, too. Many others have joined in over the course of the year, but I had never managed to talk to Miriam about this project. Until now.

Relevant links:

Miriam's website
Miriam on Twitter, Facebook, Ravelry and Pinterest
Social Print Studio and their Memory Box
Bullet Journal
If you're doing a year of making, or you want to start one, use the #yearofmaking hashtag on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to tag your photos of daily making, and to follow along.
To be notified when my Year of Making ebook is available, subscribe to my newsletter, and/or follow me on Twitter or Instagram.

To get future episodes immediately when they drop, subscribe to Compulsory on iTunes, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.

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