I sat down with my good buddy and fellow composer Steven Melin to chat about creative burnout. This recorded conversation was recently featured on his podcast, Sonic Storytellers.

I sat down with my good buddy and fellow composer Steven Melin to chat about creative burnout. This recorded conversation was recently featured on his podcast, Sonic Storytellers.

Check out his awesome channel here: youtube.com/stevenmelin

In this conversation, we discuss how composers experience creative burnout differently from other artists, how composers can prevent creative burnout (hint: a lot of it has to do with keeping life in balance!), and what we can do as composers once we’re in the thick of creative burnout.

There are a lot of great takeaways in this conversation about how taking care of ourselves helps us take care of our craft.

Resources mentioned

Adam Neely’s Berklee Senior recital:


Deep Work by Cal Newport:


Pomodoro Technique:


Day One App:


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