Part 1 of my conversation with guest James Gralian as we discuss the future of podcasting. I've also got music from Mean Creek, Foxy Shazam and Nothing.

Show notes:

- Recorded via Skype

- Check out James' show The Avs Hockey Podcast

- Also produces podcast for Denver Symphony Orchestra

- We last spoke on this topic four years ago

- 10th anniversary of podcasting

- Tools are more accessible than ever

- James: Don't see as many quality podcasts as I expected

- Apple has played big role, positive and negative

- James listens to Radiolab, Welcome to Nightvale, Definitely Not the Opera, 99% Invisible, among other podcasts

- There are many "two white guys talking" podcasts

- Waiting for the next interesting thing

- Most podcasters aren't in it for the money

- James: Not sure whether sponsors are getting a good return

- Trying to have fun and be creative with Avs Hockey Podcast

- Professional podcasters vs. hobbyists

- Marc Maron is a podcasting success story; turned his entire career around

- Commercial radio is much less interesting these days

- Parallels with late night TV and Letterman's retirement

- More freedom on basic cable for Stewart and Colbert

- Are podcasters using their voice?

- Having guests can bring new energy to a show

- What constitutes success in podcasting?

- To be continued

Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!



Mean Creek - Johnny Allen

Foxy Shazam - Brutal Truth

Nothing - Bent Nail


The Mean Creek song is on the album Local Losers on Old Flame Records. Download the song for free at Soundcloud.

The Foxy Shazam song is on the self-released album Gonzo. Download the album for free (in exchange for your email address) at Noisetrade.

The song by Nothing is on the album Guilty of Everything on Relapse Records. Download the song for free at Amazon.


The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.

Part 1 of my conversation with guest James Gralian as we discuss the future of podcasting. I've also got music from Mean Creek, Foxy Shazam and Nothing.

Show notes:

- Recorded via Skype

- Check out James' show The Avs Hockey Podcast

- Also produces podcast for Denver Symphony Orchestra

- We last spoke on this topic four years ago

- 10th anniversary of podcasting

- Tools are more accessible than ever

- James: Don't see as many quality podcasts as I expected

- Apple has played big role, positive and negative

- James listens to Radiolab, Welcome to Nightvale, Definitely Not the Opera, 99% Invisible, among other podcasts

- There are many "two white guys talking" podcasts

- Waiting for the next interesting thing

- Most podcasters aren't in it for the money

- James: Not sure whether sponsors are getting a good return

- Trying to have fun and be creative with Avs Hockey Podcast

- Professional podcasters vs. hobbyists

- Marc Maron is a podcasting success story; turned his entire career around

- Commercial radio is much less interesting these days

- Parallels with late night TV and Letterman's retirement

- More freedom on basic cable for Stewart and Colbert

- Are podcasters using their voice?

- Having guests can bring new energy to a show

- What constitutes success in podcasting?

- To be continued

Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!



Mean Creek - Johnny Allen

Foxy Shazam - Brutal Truth

Nothing - Bent Nail


The Mean Creek song is on the album Local Losers on Old Flame Records. Download the song for free at Soundcloud.

The Foxy Shazam song is on the self-released album Gonzo. Download the album for free (in exchange for your email address) at Noisetrade.

The song by Nothing is on the album Guilty of Everything on Relapse Records. Download the song for free at Amazon.


The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.