Our last episode dealing strictly with patents...next up, trademarks and copyrights
Supreme Court to decide: What kind of innovations get a patent? by Warren Richey
High court considers whether business methods can be patented by Peter Whoriskey
The patent industry relies on the coercion of government to garner profits
Patents being State-granted monopolies, rather than fostering innovation, work to hinder it
Much wealth is squandered on patent litigation, and the unseen costs are immense
Walking the tightrope of governmental regulation is illusory; any intervention is damaging and unjust
Threatening people with violence and limiting their actions doesn't promote progress in the useful arts and sciences
There is no such thing as a "limited monopoly"
Arbitrary is the name of the patent game, as well as the government game
Various Libertarians, such as Mary Ruwart (http://www.ruwart.com/), apparently have yet to question the IP memes, patents in particular
FDR interview - http://www.freedomainradio.com/Traffic_Jams/FDR_1504_dr_mary_ruwart_interview.mp3
You should not be able to control the property of others, regardless of whether they are using "your ideas"
A world without IP encourages constant improvement and innovation
If patented ideas are so great, just like governmental "services" (allegedly), people in a free marketplace will choose them
Intellectual Property Regime Stifles Science and Innovation, Nobel Laureates Say by Dugie Standeford
IP creates a worse economic environment for the poor, in addition to the rest of society
When you accept the meme of government, you end up promoting all sorts of fallacies and non sequiturs in order to do damage control
Abolishing government (and obviously the FDA) would mean abolishing the unnecessary costs of drug development (the lion's share of the costs)
Where Are the Cures? by Michael Heller
Ownership rights shouldn't clash; given this, there is no such thing as "too much ownership"
Modifying the patent system won't work, and it isn't moral; IP must be abolished
Once a system of monopolistic privileges is set up, few will repudiate it
You don't make money within a patent system by being creative, so much as employ laws and courts to prevent competition
Harvard Among Six Schools Urging Drug Access for Poor by John Lauerman
The notion that without patents no profits could be made is simply a rationalization for the status quo
IP creates conflict by trying control what other people may and may not do with their own property
Seen and Unseen Cost of Patents by Jeffrey A. Tucker
further Tucker reading...
The Hoax of Invention History by Jeffrey A. Tucker
Do Patents Save Our Lives? by Jeffrey A. Tucker
IP: It's a Market Failure Argument by Jeffrey A. Tucker
Having to engage in defensive patenting or having to wade through thickets of "prior art" are simply wastes of time and money from a free market standpoint
...statement by Boldrine and Levine: "'Being a monopolist' is, apparently, akin to going on drugs or joining some strange religious sect. It seems to lead to a complete loss of any sense of what profitable opportunities are and of how free markets function. Monopolists, apparently, can conceive of only one way of making money, that is bullying consumers and competitors to put up or shut up. Furthermore, it also appears to mean that past mistakes have to be repeated at a larger, and ever more egregious, scale."
Apple's monopolistic tendencies - http://www.patentlyapple.com/
Patents Are An Economic Absurdity by François-René Rideau
further reading...What Do You Do If Someone Already Patented Your Idea?
Brett's School Sucks Podcast - http://schoolsucks.podomatic.com/
Daniel's site - http://warisimmoral.com
My other podcast - http://healthymindfitbody.com ...episode dealing with diet drugs:
bumper music "When Worlds Collide" by Powerman 5000

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