What are the prospects of complete liberty--in your lifetime?
Played clip of my hour-long call to Free Talk Live about non-voting

This Free-Stater denounces Free Keene
Is the political free stater message different than the Tea Party-ers'?
What will it take for individuals to stop complying, given the potent statist matrix of mass indoctrination coupled with mass fear?

Essentially, we need to come to terms with two classes in society: the productive class and the parasitical class (http://www.agorism.info/AgoristClassTheory.pdf)

Drinking Game Involves Keene City Council
City council members are basically trying to find some semblance of identity through the political process, in spite of its rights-infringing nature
Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey: How to Save the Mistake on the Lake and other Once Great U.S. Cities--The Complete Series http://reason.org/news/show/reason-saves-cleveland-complete-ser
New at Reason: Drew Carey and Nick Gillespie Clash with the Cleveland City Council

Running for office doesn't foster the adoption of the principle of freedom for individuals
Challenging so-called "authorities" need not entail getting arrested and imprisoned
The fear of challenging "authority" stems from bad parenting
The process of individuation is key...
Honoring the Self: Self-Esteem and Personal Transformation

The voting process allows for a psychological comfort zone to exist within the turmoil of the reality of people's statist enslavement; it can be perversely comforting to be a member of the tribe

Clearly, it's important to come to terms with one's own emotional psychology
Principles enable you to stay true to yourself and true to reality

A VERY IMPORTANT book I recently investigated, which I'll be exploring extensively in the future...
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall Rosenberg

No one can "represent" you in the political system
DEMOCRACY OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE POLITICIANS, FOR WHOM AGAIN? http://completeliberty.com/chapter2.php

bumper music "Freedom" by Rage Against The Machine

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