Government and Katrina...
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 3 of 6

Governmentally controlled roads should be abolished, based on respect for property rights; highways and byways should be privately owned

Imagine if all the people in government, and those they drag into their morass, were not throwing away their productivity; if government were no more, then everyone would be productive, trading value for value

"City services" aren't services; they are coercive monopolies funded via extortion; those in government can't "own" anything, because their so-called property and jurisdiction are based on coerced communism

Imagine no more DMV, TSA, and other tyrannical organizations...
Imagine amazing advances in free market transportation...
Imagine amazing advances advances in life-extension...
Imagine the newfound levels of respect (of self and others) in a society of complete liberty...

I'm Allowed to Rob You! (root-striking video by Larken)

Imagine no more government-controlled schools, no more mass statist indoctrination robbing kids of their autonomy, self-esteem, creativity, and intrinsic motivation to learn...

Imagine no more soldiers following foolish orders, no more statist militarism and senseless battles and wars...
Army's new all-terrain vehicle debuts in Afghanistan

The roots of statism are in the authoritarian/obedience memes of the family
On Truth: The Tyranny of Illusion by Stefan Molyneux
Honoring The Self by Nathaniel Branden
The Art Of Self-Discovery by Nathaniel Branden

Imagine if individuals on society developed a mindset that doesn't accept anything less than respectful, peaceful relationships (including kids)...

PSA by the Governator

bumper music "Imagine" by John Lennon

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