Hey Compelled listeners!

So it's been a while since you've heard from us. In fact, we published our last episode in October of last year. (so yeah, basically a year ago)

We were hoping to release Season 3 this past summer and even made an announcement about that… but then a little pandemic hit the world and like everyone else, our plans were changed for the rest of the year.

But the good news is that we’re back on track and actually have a date for our third season!  Thanks to the generosity of donors and our monthly members, Compelled, Season 3 is releasing on February 2, 2021!

What You Can Expect

We're two-thirds done recording episodes for Season 3 (and I’m actually recording another episode this Saturday) and have been hard at work editing. 

We've got some crazy, amazing stories that we cannot wait to share with you, including:

A girl who transgendered herself into a "man" for 10 years until she found Christ and placed her identity in Him. A rebel looking for life's answers deep within Hinduism and the New Age, but who came up empty-handed every time, until he encountered Jesus. Identical twin brothers who chose to lose their reality TV show instead of renounce their Biblical beliefs. A human rights attorney from Communist Romania who came face-to-face with an assassin sent by the government to kill her for defending Christians. Unable to defend herself from her assassin, she did the only thing that she could think of... she shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We’ll be sharing all of these stories (and more!) in Season 3.

Behind-the-Scenes Zoom Call Next Wednesday (Nov. 4th) With Kathy Brace

But while you're waiting for Season 3 to release, I want to invite you to come and join a special behind-the-scenes Zoom call, on Wednesday, November 4th at 8pm CST, with one of our guests from Season 2, Kathy Brace.

As you may recall, we shared Kathy’s story in episodes 22 and 23.

Kathy grew up without a father and was looking for love in all the wrong places. She gave up her first child for adoption, and aborted another - all in the midst of a string of failed relationships.

But Kathy’s life was suddenly and totally transformed when she was introduced to Jesus who offered her the love and acceptance that no one else could provide. Then, 52 years after she gave up her son for adoption, she found him, and was able to share with her son all that God had done in her life, before he passed away unexpectedly just months later.

Today, Kathy is a midwife in Wichita, Kansas and has helped thousands of women deliver their babies. Her journey is a powerful and tangible story of redemption.

So! If you have questions you want to ask Kathy, or you want to learn more details about her story that we weren't able to cover on the podcast, or you want to hear more about the new stories that we’ll be sharing in Season 3, then this is a perfect opportunity. Plus, you'll get to meet other Compelled listeners and members of our team.

To join our Zoom call, RSVP at CompelledPodcast.com/Zoom. Again, that's next Wednesday, November 4th at 8pm CST.

That's the update for now. We can't wait to share Season 3 with you, and I hope to see you on our Zoom call next Wednesday!
