Episode 43 features John Davis' kickoff speech from our 2017 DM Conference.  

Focus on the guest, focus on the basics, and "think like owners" are a few of the themes that John drives home.  

Our investment in training and development has been significant.  We're lucky to have owners that support our employees through T&D efforts.  Even in tough years, the investment in your training and development has not once been cut.  

He also discusses new stores and remodels in 2017 and our plan for 2018!  Buckle up US Beef!  We aren't slowing down!

Have a fantastic week everyone!



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Call to Action:

1.  E-mail [email protected] and tell me about your experience sharing bad (or unpopular) news with an individual or a group.  What's worked for you?  What hasn't?  What have you learned?

2.  What kind of episode would you prefer to hear to close out the year?  E-mail me and let me know.  Here are the options:

A.  CompassCast 2017- Highlight Show

Send me your favorite episode(s) and your favorite segments, questions, and responses.  Time stamps are greatly appreciated!  (Example: Episode 14 @ 15:23- This really helped me reengage in...) 

B.  2018 Goal Setting- Best Practices

How to take a look back at the previous year and chart a course for 2018.  Give me your best practices or the processes you use to set goals.  

Email me with your vote and provide the supporting details!