Hello friends!

Episode 40 is all about priorities.  Take a journey with me inside Tim Bouma's breakout from our 2017 DM Conference.  Tim takes you through Stephen Covey's 4-Quadrant Model to help you focus on the things that will add the most value to your life and to your teams.  

He also provides thoughtful insight on getting to the root cause.  The EARS acronym is one that Tim has used for years...or should I say, yEARS!  LOL at myself.  Tim is relentless when it comes to uncovering truth, so buckle up and get ready to engage in more meaningful dialogue with your teams.  

Here are the links to the videos I referenced in the episode:

Stephen Covey- Big Rocks - Long Version

Litmos Heroes- Big Rocks - Short Version

Thanks for sticking with me for 40 episodes!  My 2017 goal has been achieved, but we're not done yet.  I'll be releasing the other breakouts over the next few weeks.