Jeff Turner, VP of IT for US Beef, stops by episode 38 of CompassCast to chat technology. 

We talk about how a mistake on the part of a headhunter actually led to Jeff's hiring.  (What ever happened to Scott???!!!)

Jeff tells us how he and his department take ownership of Compass and live out the core values in the work that they do. 

We hop in Jeff's make-believe time machine and he gives us a glimpse of what the future holds for our industry. 

With the ever increasing risk of identity theft and data breaches, what can you do to protect yourself?  Jeff Turner offers his advice.  

Lastly, Jeff talks us through his system for being a great project manager.  This is worthy of note-taking my friends.  

And it wouldn't be a true CompassCast without Finish This Sentence, so if you want to know if unplugging it and plugging it back in ACTUALLY works, check it out!

Great insights from Jeff Turner, a true Compass Champion.




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US Beef Employee Facebook Page - Employees Only - Arby's Swag

Call to Action:

Send in your questions for Jeff Davis, Chairman of US Beef, to [email protected]!

Rate and review CompassCast on your preferred podcast app.  Take a screenshot of your review written after 10/30/17 and send it to [email protected].  The first 5 listeners that do so will get a $20 gift code for some Arby's Swag!  Boom!