Previous Episode: 006- Colleen Lacombe
Next Episode: 008- Syed Mansoor

Greetings CompassCast Fam!


I'm working on something...but I need your help!  Over the next few weeks we are going to do a "deep dive" into our core values with the VPs of Operations.  Send any and all questions you want me to ask them to:

[email protected]

What do you want to know about them?  Maybe...What do they look for when they visit one of our restaurants?   What is the craziest thing they have ever seen in a restaurant?  Does Rick feel left out because he is the only VP of Ops without an amazing mustache?   Let me know!


Also, I want us to develop a list of 100 ways we can live out each of the core values.  I'm asking CompassCast listeners to send their suggestions to the email above.  Send me 1, 2, or 10, I don't care, just send them!  


When you e-mail [email protected] you will receive a reply that contains a link to sign up for CompassCast notifications!  Make sure you click that link and get signed up so you know when we release new episodes!  


Have a great week everybody and thanks for listening!


Let Compass be your guide!

