When Jordan was in school in LA she waitressed, and her customers would ask what she was studying. Having these conversations led to her first client, which led to more clients. And the thing is, most of us don't do this enough. Talk about what you do! I'm guilty too. So, let's make a pact, when someone asks us what we do, when they ask what we're up to, We Tell Them!

When Jordan was working in LA, whichever client had a current project got the most attention, but that meant lots of time in recording studios and not much time taking care of herself. After starting her location independent life, that all evened out. Each client received a reasonable amount of her attention and so did she. Is there a way you can distribute your time now, so that you aren't run ragged?

Oh my. This is such a struggle for so many of us. We're in our heads, worrying, discounting our abilities, thinking we'll wait just a little longer, until we're 'ready'. Excuses. They're all excuses. Get out of your own way, start now, start scared. We're here for you.

For full links and show notes visit, compasspod.com/046