When Cori figured out that she'd get spending money in high school for taking college classes, she jumped right in. She eventually earned four associates degrees, before later earning a bachelors and a masters. And that learning has served her well. Working in a small nonprofit often means being a one-woman show. Having those skills to draw on means she's got it covered. Not many of us end up in the same field where we started our paths. We still can use our early experiences to problem solve later on.

After finding out that she had a larger Facebook reach than Buzzfeed Canada Cori gave herself permission to let up a bit. Having ambitions and pursuing them will get you far, at the same time, we need to keep an eye on what all we're talking on, so we don't burn out. By all means, go after what you want, and at the same time, make sure to prioritize your needs too.

Cori put a photo up on the signup page for The Caregiver Space. I want you to hear her tell it, but it's made all the difference in keeping troublemakers out. Sometimes the simplest things we can do make the biggest impact. Are there areas in your business that you've been overthinking? Is there anything you can simplify?

For complete show notes and links visit compasspod.com/019