Alana had spent a lot of time trying on different roles, mostly figuring out what didn't work for her. Social media management wasn't really right for her. Neither was making sandwiches or advertising... but, events direction felt like a career, the right career. Most of us can relate to having a list of jobs that weren't really us, weren't really right. So, finding the career that fits is the flip side to that coin. It's that feeling of being exactly where you need to be and doing work that brings out the best in you. And really, it's worth finding it, even if the list of cast-off jobs that don't fit, is long.

Time zones can be the bane of any digital nomad's existence. You're in Barcelona, your client is in Taipei, and their client is in Los Angeles. Alana keeps various schedules depending on where she is. When she's in New Zealand, it's a split schedule. Mornings are for email, coordinating, and writing. Afternoons are hers, and evenings are for calls since that's when the clients are awake. Other remote workers keep the hours that their clients keep, even if it means staying up until the predawn hours where they are and sleeping until early afternoon. It's one of the sacrifices we make to take our work with us, figuring out how the puzzle pieces that are time zones, fit together.

We live in a technology based world. It's what allows most of us to follow our travel dreams and still work. We have apps for keeping in touch, plugins for keeping track of clients and keeping in touch, and then there's the glorious bits and bytes that make international banking so easy. Not only does Alana keep up with everything she uses personally, but she also keeps up with the subjects of her clients' work. Like I would keep up with the newest recording SAAS and you might keep up with vector graphics programs or secure cloud-based storage.

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