

Hat for Dad

Oranje in Frabjous Fibers Wonderland Yarns Mad Hatter.  

New LYS in Newtown, CT - The Sheep Shoppe!! (Facebook page)

Rainbow Dash Skyp Rib Socks - yarn from Cuppycake Yarnz on Etsy. I mention EmilyStraw from the Knitting Butterflies Podcast and Susie from the Prairie Girls Knit & Spin Podcast

Monkey by Cookie A in Lorna's Laces Solemate




Holiday Yarns Flock Sock - a surprise from my husband!


Your Mileage May Vary

What are your preferred sock needles? DPN's, magic loop, 2 circs, small circs?  Let us know in this week's episode thread in the Ravelry group


Road Maps

I talk about winding yarn twice to relieve some of the tension in the cake of yarn - thank you to a wonderful listener for the suggestion! I mention the Dark Matter Knits podcast by Elizabeth Green Musselman


Traffic Report

Deborah Tomasello is writing a book about our knitting stories.  If you are interested in contributing please send an email to Deborah (coedeborah [at] aol [dot] com) with the following:

Ravelry Name_____________________________________ 
Email Address_____________________________________ 
Phone #__________________________________________

Please contribute to this book effort. My idea is to gather experiences from the knitting/crocheting community around the world and compile them into a book. We all have so much in common. It will be fun to read our sisters’ and brothers’ experiences:

Write a one-page summary that includes one or more of the following:

Why I knit* 
What knitting means to me 
A knitting anecdote-- funny or otherwise 
Personal history or story related to the topic 
Knitting Inspiration 
Pictures (JPEGs) of your work or anything knitting-related (Please own copyright privileges of anything shown) 
Knitting Aspirations 
Stash Commentary 
Knitting Pros/Cons

Unfortunately, I will not be able to use all of the submissions. If I choose to use yours, I will notify you and present you with a permission to publish form for your signature.

Thank you, and have fun!

Deborah Tomasello 
[email protected]

I use the word “knit” to include knitting and/or crocheting



Road Trips

Connecticut Sheep, Wool & Fiber Festival - April 26th - Tolland Agricultural Center in Vernon CT

STITCHES East - Hartford, CT - October 




Come Find me on the Interwebs

Ravelry - ndjen04

Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast

Twitter - @CommuterKnitter

Facebook - Commuter Knitter

Email - [email protected]

Show notes -

Google + - Commuter Knitter Podcast 

Instagram - ndjen04



Hat for Dad

Oranje in Frabjous Fibers Wonderland Yarns Mad Hatter.  

New LYS in Newtown, CT - The Sheep Shoppe!! (Facebook page)

Rainbow Dash Skyp Rib Socks - yarn from Cuppycake Yarnz on Etsy. I mention EmilyStraw from the Knitting Butterflies Podcast and Susie from the Prairie Girls Knit & Spin Podcast

Monkey by Cookie A in Lorna's Laces Solemate




Holiday Yarns Flock Sock - a surprise from my husband!


Your Mileage May Vary

What are your preferred sock needles? DPN's, magic loop, 2 circs, small circs?  Let us know in this week's episode thread in the Ravelry group


Road Maps

I talk about winding yarn twice to relieve some of the tension in the cake of yarn - thank you to a wonderful listener for the suggestion! I mention the Dark Matter Knits podcast by Elizabeth Green Musselman


Traffic Report

Deborah Tomasello is writing a book about our knitting stories.  If you are interested in contributing please send an email to Deborah (coedeborah [at] aol [dot] com) with the following:

Name____________________________________________ Ravelry Name_____________________________________ Email Address_____________________________________ Phone #__________________________________________

Please contribute to this book effort. My idea is to gather experiences from the knitting/crocheting community around the world and compile them into a book. We all have so much in common. It will be fun to read our sisters’ and brothers’ experiences:

Write a one-page summary that includes one or more of the following:

Why I knit* What knitting means to me A knitting anecdote-- funny or otherwise Personal history or story related to the topic Knitting Inspiration Pictures (JPEGs) of your work or anything knitting-related (Please own copyright privileges of anything shown) Knitting Aspirations Stash Commentary Knitting Pros/Cons

Unfortunately, I will not be able to use all of the submissions. If I choose to use yours, I will notify you and present you with a permission to publish form for your signature.

Thank you, and have fun!

Deborah Tomasello [email protected]

I use the word “knit” to include knitting and/or crocheting



Road Trips

Connecticut Sheep, Wool & Fiber Festival - April 26th - Tolland Agricultural Center in Vernon CT

STITCHES East - Hartford, CT - October 




Come Find me on the Interwebs

Ravelry - ndjen04

Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast

Twitter - @CommuterKnitter

Facebook - Commuter Knitter

Email - [email protected]

Show notes -

Google + - Commuter Knitter Podcast 

Instagram - ndjen04

Twitter Mentions