This week I have a couple of FO's, a project that moves to Neutral, and others revving up in Trip Planning. Also included - a Vogue Knitting Live Recap!  And by the way, did I mention that it's cold?!

What Are You Wearing?

(Borrowed from the lovely ladies of The Yarniacs Podcast)

Check Slouch Hat

You've Arrived At Your Destination

Go Irish Socks

Go Irish Hat


Go Irish Mittens


Rocky Coast Cardigan

Trip Planning

Woodburne Cardigan

Rivel Cardigan



Cosmic Knittas - Sandy Hook Tribute for International Yarn Bomb Day

Join the Cosmic Knittas on TwitterFacebookPinterest, and Ravelry to take part in a tribute to the victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy on 6/8/2013

Knitted and Crocheted Items for the Yarn Bomb can be sent to:

Commuter Knitter Podcast

P.O. Box 203

Botsford, CT 06404

Road Trips

Vogue Knitting Live - NYC - Jan 18-20, 2013

Dragonfly Fibers

Jill Draper Makes Stuff

Lucy Hat

North Light Fibers


Colorful Stitches

Subway Knits Podcast Meetup - January 19th & 20th @ 1:30 pm.

Come Find me on the Interwebs

Ravelry - ndjen04

Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast

Twitter - CommuterKnitter

Facebook - Commuter Knitter

Plurk - CommuterKnitter
Instagram - ndjen04

Email - [email protected]

Twitter Mentions