It seems like so much has been lost in the time of the judges, but the author of Ruth gives us a glimmer of hope. In a season of drought, a family leaves Israel and moves to Moab hoping to find relief, but instead they find sorrow. The wife, Naomi, becomes a widow without family to help her. Her daughter-in-law, a foreigner, commits to love her and care for her, returning with her to the people of Israel. There, she meets Boaz, a family redeemer who honors Ruth, cares for her, and in obedience to the Lord, redeems her into his own family. Ruth is part of a bigger story of redemption, as her lineage will include not only King David, but Jesus the Christ. 

Ruth 1 – 1:12 . 

Ruth 2 – 5:33 . 

Ruth 3 – 11:18 . 

Ruth 4 – 14:49 . 

Proverbs 25 – 19:45 . 


Christian Standard Bible translation.

All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.

Co-produced by Bobby Brown, Katelyn Pridgen, Eric Williamson & the Christian Standard Bible

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