www.commsolutionsmn.com- Super Tuesday proved a couple things, one that noone in the Republican Party is going to stop President Trump, and two... there's a pretty big contingent of the Democrat electorate that is voting "no preference" or "noncommitted" over President Biden. That's troublesome. Those folks may vote Biden in the end, but if they don't, it could potentially solidify some of the swing states for Trump.

There's been a lot of speculation about President Trump's VP pick. Some people are even openly vying for it. We review some of the names on the list and give you our analysis.

When MN Democrats are in power they attempt to pass their entire agenda, even if half of the state is against whatever they are doing. Take for instance, the new legislative session. The Dems want to enshrine LGBTQ "rights" in sports and to ban the removal of LGBTQ flags in schools. They want to require the usage of "proper" pronouns in HF4394. Rep Leigh Finke is behind most of these fascistic trans bills that are coming to the Legislature.

They also have a bill to update the Human Rights bill from last year that made "gender identity" a protected class in hiring, weddings, etc. They left the religious exemption out of the bill... on purpose. The Democrats won't allow an amendment to afford a religious exemption. The problem? It 's a flagrant violation of the US and the Minnesota constitutions. The hate and vitreol that came from the Democrats as they addressed people of faith was shocking. I thought that they were welcoming? Christians need not apply.

The bill was supposed to be given a hearing at the Senate Judiciary Committee after it passed the House Judiciary Committee. The good news is that they pulled the bill from the agenda the morning of. Our pressure paid off. Keep watching, because it will come back for discussion. We can't let off the gas now. Our religious freedom is at stake.