www.commsolutionsmn.com- This last week, Ilhan Omar made a speech that was smilar to a Donald Trump speech... except that it was about Somalia. It called for a Somalia-first policy, including a secure Somalian border. If the Squad didn't have hypocrisy, it wouldn't have any political strategy at all. Never mind that she took an oath to put our country and our constitution before all others and to defend it against all enemies, she was elected to represent everyone in MNCD5,  not just one group within it. Of course no one else's interpretation of the Somali language was accurate and the local news media either ignored it or ran cover for her. The Democrats seem to be ok with it too, as any challengers have been soundly put down. Their own undemocratic primary process is designed to keep people out that the party doesn't want.

We can't keep our own border secure, because there is no political will in the Executive Branch to do it. We've seen people on the terrorist watch list come across. We've seen all kinds of crime in our big cities. Much of it is done by American citizens, but enough is being done by people that have crossed the border illegally that we're hearing about it on a regular basis.

Not to mention, the wide open border is exacerbating child trafficking, drug traffing, labor trafficking, and organ trafficking. The cartels seem to be able to do as they please and the Democratic Party policies seem to facilitate the conditions for these horrific crimes to flourish. You'd think that they would want to stop those things.

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