www.commsolutionsmn.com- Today we tackle the "conspiracy theory" called The Great Reset, and the brand new Executive Order by the Biden administration. On Friday afternoon, while no one was paying attention, President Biden signed Executive Order 14030, The U.S. Climate Related Financial Risk- A Road Map To Build A Climate Resilient Economy. This has huge local effects.

ESG scores are starting to be assigned to both businesses and individual investors. They look at what kinds of companies you invest in, but they determine the scores of businesses by the racial makeup of their board, gender diversity, actions to combat climate change, and how they administrate this in their organization. This will affect your ability to get mortgages and car loans for certain types of vehicles. Heck, they are going to try and get rid of anything but electric cars by 2030. They talk about protecting pensions, but limit investment opportunities. You can't have both. If this is allowed to stand, it will destroy our economy and pave the way for their new stakeholder capitalism (Chinese communism/capitalism). We must speak out now.

We also discuss the latest developments in the Mohammed Noor case. It's also time for this month's history lesson. Maybe Jason will do better than normal?

Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode, Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast!” You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

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