A lot of value can be found for executives within an online community of their peers. But how can you get them make time to participate, and to let their guard down enough to actually share meaningful things?

That’s the focus of this episode with Adam Zawel, who built and managed executive-to-executive communities for more than a decade. Plus:

Deciding when to allow the fish and the sharks to interact Why it’s good to be snobbish Helping community members who aren’t allowed to post due to company policy Our Podcast is Made Possible By…

If you enjoy our show, please know that it’s only possible with the generous support of our sponsor: Higher Logic.

Big Quotes

“[When I started building INmobile,] I didn’t know anything about running an online community. I was pulled from Yankee Group where I was a wireless industry expert, to run this community, because I was a knowledge expert. The idea was they’ll come talk to me. They didn’t come talk to me. They came and talked to each other.” -@adamzawel

“I’m always surprised when I hear of some tiny niche community – for example, for security professionals – some forum maybe on 1990s technology that they’re still using. It’s not about the technology. It’s really about the trust and proving itself over time. I think they have found their places, and it doesn’t need to be in many places. Really it just needs to be one place for each of them, maybe two if they’re in a converged space.” -@adamzawel

“We had about 10 people in the community from an insurance company, and we’d see they were logging in all the time, but never posting. We finally reached out to them and found out that they had a policy at their company; they can’t post anywhere. They were super interested community members, dying to post. What we set up was a way for them to send in anonymous posts for the community. They got a lot of value of it and, of course, we did as well.” -@adamzawel

About Adam Zawel

Adam Zawel is a successful business community manager and an expert at member engagement and social business processes. As community manager for Palladium Group, where the 65,000 fans of the balanced scorecard come to discuss strategy execution. Adam built a vibrant community that also served the goals of the organizations. Adam also built INmobile, a community for the most influential executives in the wireless, telecommunications and content industries. He is the CEO of Network Activator, a community management application to accelerate engagement and business results.

Related Links Sponsor: Higher Logic, the community platform for community managers Adam on Twitter Palladium, where Adam was director, online communities Network Activator, a community management application to accelerate engagement and business results, where Adam is CEO CommunityCo, where Patrick is director of community Forbes Councils, a set of communities that CommunityCo is responsible for Wikipedia page for Yankee Group, where Adam was director, US mobile research, later acquired by 451 Research Wikipedia page for the balanced scorecard, a strategy management tool created by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton Miss Manners and Dear Abby, two advice columns where people anonymously ask for advice Transcript View transcript on our website Your Thoughts

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