We share the three simple steps that you will need to take to build your influence and credibility and we go over how to get started. If you want to be an influencer, you can get there by being a good listener and helping as many people as possible....

We share the three simple steps that you will need to take to build your influence and credibility and we go over how to get started.

If you want to be an influencer, you can get there by being a good listener and helping as many people as possible.

Here are three steps that we found to be critical to building our own influence over the years. In today’s episode, we’re sharing these steps with you. Read below to get the outline of what we talked about, then listen to hear the details.

Three Steps to  Influence and Credibility Step One: Build a community of peers

You need a tribe of peers, and of champions to get to the next level. No one ever got to the top alone.

Interact online and get to know people and talk to people on a regular basis. Go to conferences and events. This is a great way to connect with others in your niche. Make sure to follow up and keep in touch to see how you can help them. Find the right events using word-of-mouth or an online search for local, national and international events in your niche. Listen to your community when they talk about the events they’re attending because those are the people you want to meet. Use the event hashtag to connect with community members ahead of a conference or summit. Check out local events through MeetUp and on the events tab within Facebook. Step Two: Create valuable content

Content draws people to you. You should be creating content regularly.

Start a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, Twitter chat or local event and participate with others. Write guest posts, be a guest on podcasts and show up to Twitter chats to consistently create content that adds value and focus in a niche. There are so many ways to create content. The type of content that’s best depends on your interest. Consistency is hugely important, no matter how you share content. Experiment with the best time to content, what works for you and what best serves your community. Become known for one or two topics and continue to build on that. Don’t dilute your passion with too many things. Whatever niche you choose, you have to be passionate about continuing with it for a long time. Step Three: Find a mentor

Learn from someone who is already doing what you want to be doing.

You can find a mentor a number of ways. Make a list of people and ask them. They may already have a program or opportunity you can benefit from. You can also join a course or mastermind. Adopt the mind of a student and be helpful. It really makes you stand out. A mentor can be someone you look up to and learn from without them actually mentoring you. Books and podcasts can be helpful as well. Paid mentorships are often worth it. You gain someone’s time gain a lot from the experience. Quick Tips to build your influence and credibility: Be consistent Be present Build relationships Show you care Realize you can’t do everything alone Tools, apps and links mentioned: Social Media Marketing podcast Meetup Company of One Zirtual (tell them Kami sent you) Take Action

What are you doing to build your influence and credibility? What has been working for you and what hasn’t? We are having a conversation about this in our Facebook Group, so come join us! (Use the secret word “ACTION” to get in)