Is your call to action falling short? We discuss how to improve your calls to action and get better results. We diagnose the problems with many calls to action and how to overcome them. In Episode 75 we talked about the variety of calls to action you...

Is your call to action falling short? We discuss how to improve your calls to action and get better results. We diagnose the problems with many calls to action and how to overcome them.

In Episode 75 we talked about the variety of calls to action you can use, but the devil is in the details and how you approach your call to action is just as important as the type of call to action you choose.

You don’t have consistent calls to action.

You may not be adding in a call to action because you are afraid you will turn people off or come off as being “salesy” or out for yourself.

If this is you, it’s time to make a mindset shift:

Give people a way to work with you. If you don’t give people a way to work with you further, you are doing a disservice to your community by not sharing your knowledge. Even if someone has something similar to you, you’re the only person that can offer that in the way you offer it. You feel guilty or unmotivated about making money. If you are making more money, you can make a bigger impact in the change you are trying to make and the people you are trying to help. The incentive is that you can provide more value to your community. You are worried what people think. If you are worried about what people think about you, you should know that no one really cares, or at least not for long. Plus, will the haters feed your family, or make the impact you were born to make on the world? Focus on yourself and don’t worry about anyone else.

“At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.” — Ann Landers

Are you just making announcements not creating conversations?

If your content needs work, try these methods:

Ask questions in your copy. Instead of just making an announcement that your content is up, use it as a way to start a conversation. Ask for micro conversions in all of your content. These small calls to action, like asking someone to respond to your email, or leave a comment, or ask a question, trains your audience to connect with and build trust. Put out content that isn’t completely finished to encourage conversation. Buttoned up content can feel so finished that no one comments, they just consume. Share success stories they can relate with. Use content that includes examples of how someone you have worked with has overcome an issue. You can highlight your clients and also get credit for helping them. Then, when you make a call to action, people trust you to help them because you have show that you have already helped someone else with the same issue or problem. Tools, apps and links mentioned: 7 Examples of Calls to Action for Social Media – Ep 75 5 Ideas to Get Your Community Talking – Ep 20 Take Action

What call-to-actions are you using to engage your audience? What fears do you have about selling online and to your audience? Share with us in our Facebook community at Communities That Convert (Our Secret Word is “Action”).