This may seem like a silly realization, but for many years I thought of myself as the communication expert for the organization. I was hired into the communications role, therefore I was supposed to be the final authority on all things communication.

The problem, however, is that nearly everyone on a church staff is a communicator. Every department is broadcasting a message. It varies wildly, but emails are sent, volunteers are called, messages are preached, announcements are shared. There is an unfathomable amount of communication that happens. And it doesn’t all belong to you. In fact, I would argue that there is more communication happening outside of the Communications role than inside.

Once I realized this, my countenance changed dramatically. Rather than having to be the answer man that needed to do everything myself, I could shift my focus toward empowering and equipping others to grow in their ability to communicate. Now they could leverage something I didn’t haver in their communication - passion. I went from the sole communications person to one of many! What a refreshing change! 

You are surrounded by people that are much more similar than you think.