We aren’t in charge of the mission 

That is the burden of leadership. That is directed by scripture. If you can’t accept that, you either need to do the work to be in leadership, or move on to a place where you are on board with the mission.

You are stalling the mission if you are:

Spending your time defending your trade over the missionVerbalizing disagreement with the mission Arguing against on mission decisions that require more work or aren’t exciting 

You are supporting the mission if you are:

Spending your time figuring out how your trade can support the mission Asking questions about clarifying the missionDefending the mission even when it means more work for you or unexciting projects 

You can the power to spread the mission by:

Helping others make these pivots 

Bottom line:

Each of us has been hired to move the mission of the church forward, not turn the church into a playground for our industries.