Books and Selected Other Work by Eileen Myles

Pathetic Literature, ed. (Grove Press, 2022)

For Now (Yale University Press, 2020)

evolution (Grove Press, 2018)

Afterglow: A Dog Memoir (Grove Press, 2017)

I Must Be Living Twice: New & Selected Poems, 1975-2014 (Ecco Press, 2015)

Snowflake/Different Streets (Wave Books, 2012)

Inferno: A Poet's Novel (OR Books, 2010)

The Importance of Being Iceland: Travel Essays in Art (Semiotexte, 2009)

Sorry, Tree (Wave Books, 2007)

Tow, with Artist Larry R. Collins (Lospecchio Press, 2005)

Skies (Black Sparrow Press, 2001)

On My Way (Faux Press, 2001)

Cool For You (Soft Skull Press, 2000)

School of Fish (Black Sparrow Press, 1997)

Maxfield Parrish: Early & New Poems (Black Sparrow Press, 1995)

The New Fuck You: Adventures in Lesbian Reading (Semiotexte, 1995), ed. with Liz Kotz

Chelsea Girls (Black Sparrow Press, 1994)

Not Me (Semiotexte, 1991)

Also Referenced

Patchin Place

Villa Albertine

Constance Debré

Grove Press

Marfa, Texas

Henry Miller

Franz Kafka

Simone Weil

The New Yorker

Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman

Zinc Bar


Jack Halberstam

Karl Ove Knausgård

Bagley Wright Lectures

Wave Books

Graywolf Press

Julie Carr

Counterpath Press

Diane Wolkstein

Monkey King

Diane Wolkstein & Samual Noah Kramer, Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth

Anselm Berrigan

Alice Notley, The Descent of Alette

Jorie Graham

Bernadette Mayer

Sei Shōnagon, The Pillow Book

Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Moyra Davey

Peter Hujar

Rebecca Solnit

Patti Smith

Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts

David Antin


Marley Freeman

Hannah Beerman

Djuna Barnes

Amber Hollibaugh

Bruce Springstein

Andy Warhol

Joseph Bueys

New Journalism

Tom Wolfe

Joan Didion

Gertrude Stein

Allen Ginsberg

Jack Pearson

Johnnie Rae

Alex Katz

Guggenheim Fellowship

William Carlos Williams

Robert Mapplethorpe

The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University

Lewis Warsh

James Schuyler

Wayne Koestenbaum

C. D. Wright

Poetry Project Newsletter

Segue Reading Series

New York University

Lisa Cholodenko

MacArthur Genius Grant

The (Paris) Thanksgiving Manifesto

Chantal Akerman

Gus Van Sant

Robert Frank

Tanya Wexler

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