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Welcome back to the second half of season two. Today we’re looking at the role of activists within the fashion industry itself, and how we can all ‘stay with the trouble’ to keep the conversation going, even when brands don't want to hear it. 

Our guest is Bel Jacobs, the former Metro fashion editor. She is also a founding member of Fashion Act Now, alongside Alice Wilby and Sara Arnold. Fashion Act Now follows on from the work of Extinction Rebellion, who you may remember from protests at London Fashion Week 2019, such as its now famous ‘fashion funeral’ to commemorate the loss of life due to climate and ecological breakdown caused by fashion.

What could have been a very bleak conversation with Bel actually transpired to be full of optimism, and we're excited to share it with you. Listen for Bel's insight on what a less destructive fashion industry could look like, as well as advice on how to carry out your own climate activism.

As a companion to this episode, we recommend reading a short ebook called the Earth Logic Fashion Action Research Plan by Kate Fletcher and Mathilda Tham, which you can access for free online here. 

Bel also refers to the work of Sierra Club, including this incredible article by Hop Hopkins.

You can follow Fashion Act Now on Twitter and Instagram, and donate to its Crowdfunder.

For more updates on the ethical fashion conversation, follow Common Threads on Instagram, like us on Facebook, and join the conversation on Twitter.

You’ll find Ruth on Instagram: @ruthmacgilp_ and Twitter @ruthmacgilp

You’ll find Alice on Instagram: @styledbyalicex and Twitter: @styledbyalice

Common Threads artwork was created by Mitson Design.

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