Today's date is December 10th 2019, it is a day that shall live in infamy, to quote Franklin Roosevelt, but today is the day that the United States Constitution has been shredded by the Democratic Party.

At 9 in the morning on Eastern Standard Time, the United States House of Representatives have authorized the writing of Articles of impeachment, following a three-month scam from the Democrats, to impeach a sitting president of the United States and to overturn the 2016 election.

1 articles that they're going to impeach the president under is abuse of power.

How can you call it abuse of power, if the president of the United States is doing his job? This is all over a 30-minute conversation with a foreign president, the president of the Ukraine Selinsky, where he asked if they could look into a reported intervening in the United States elections by the Ukraine.

Also in that same conversation a few moments later he asked if he could look into the issue with burisma, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden's involved in that.

This is in response to letters sent to the president of the United States, I was one of them, that wanted somebody to look into the quid pro quo the Joe Biden did with the Ukrainian government back in what 2014?

Let me play that sound like for you

That my dear friends, my fellow listener, my fellow Republicans, my fellow American citizen, is extortion. Which by the way is a federal offense.

How can you say you're not going to get your military aid or, as he said guaranteed loans of one point whatever billions of dollars come up unless you fire a prosecutor that is looking into corruption in your government?

That is nothing more than saying look if you don't pay me the money for protection your business is going to be beat up. You're going to lose money. You're going to have a bad time and not continue on with your business. That's extortion.

Yeah. All President Trump did was say could you look into this? He didn't even say and get back to me with what you find. He did not say or else I'll withhold all the money that I'm sending you four hundred plus million dollars.

As a matter of fact there's a treaty between Ukraine and the United States that says that we will open investigations upon the others request and share that data with r fellow Free Nation.

How about quid pro quo? Barack Obama on the open mic night and let me play that one for you.

Mr. Trump never did anything like that this is truly a ridiculous ridiculous State of Affairs for our nation.

And oh, there's always more.

The house rules 660, just passed by the House of Representatives for this impeachment, states that the majority party will give the minority a day to call all the witnesses they want to call when it comes to this impeachment.

And on December 9th Jerry Nadler, chairman of the judicial committee, was asked several time, and points of order were called, and parliamentary procedure was called, points of order you name it it was called so that the Republican could voice their opinions about getting a minority day in Chambers.

Every request was denied, and Jerry Nadler said I will not hear that, that is not an appropriate point of order, that is. Appropriate request you made so many different excuses for that it was not even funny.

So the entire dog and pony show yesterday, consisting of two attorneys, one was a Democrat attorney and the other was a republican attorney, talk about being bipartisan, and the board members that sits on the Judiciary Committee could only ask questions of their attorney!

Yesterday was a complete and total waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of three or four million dollars to run that sham of a committee meeting.

Truly truly the circus was in town and the clowns are running the Big Top.

Our Saving Grace for this station, the only way that this is going to end is when they pass these articles of impeachment over to the Senate and of course the Senate will disregard them and put them off to the side and say no we're not even going to hear this case because there is no factual evidence! All of the evidence occurred in this inquiry is nothing more than hearsay, second and third hand, and they didn't call any fact Witnesses except for one Ambassador Solomon.

If there is a trial in the Senate, believe me Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, every single person that's touch this to include the entire staff of Adam Schiff will be called to testify and, and they will find out who the Whistleblower is and he will be called along with the half-dozen or so executive officers in the White House that spoke to this whistleblower.

But wait there's more, as always, the final say for this impeachment inquiry will go to you ladies and gentlemen, you The Listener of this podcast, wherever you may be whatever you may do for a living we implore upon you, it is time for the Democrats to go away Into Obscurity.

It is truly time for these people that have been there in the House of Representatives from 30 40 50 etc etc years, it is time for them to retire and go home.

It is time for Nancy Pelosi to finally lose her seat at the House of Representatives. It is time to vote out Jerry Nadler and send his archaic ancient two-faced lying, and I say that because he is spoke out against impeachment so many times but that's only when it's a Democratic president. It is time for him to go home send him packing. It is time for Adam ship to feel the wrath of the American

You want a political coup oh, you Democrats have asked for it. Every single Democrat that has voted on the house floor to impeachment articles against the president of the United States, the one president who in the past 50 years is done. For the American people than all presidents before him, it is time for all of you Democrats to feel our wrath, feel our decision as we vote you out!

Ladies and gentlemen 20/20 November, that is the day that should really live in infamy because we the American people are going to go to that little boost, pull out that little card, put our little check marks in there, and clean house!

We do this as our right as guaranteed by what's left of our constitution, then we do it because ladies and gentlemen it is time for you to vote and use some common sense.