Previous Episode: 39 last show

So here they go again, the talking heads are again on the subject of poo-poo.
It actually amazes me how so many can speak of a subject, and really do not have the facts straight, so it is up to individuals like you and I, to research the issue, and let the world know that the group think is not, and I will say again NOT, what the reality of the situation is.
There has been some renewed discussions about the need for a sewer system in Volusia County and, as well as, making you hook up to an existing one, that is if you are within a certain distance from it.
As a matter of the facts, the Volusia County Government wanted you, the voters of the greatest county in the entire state of Florida, in my personal opinion, to vote in favor of some half baked money grabbing scheme called the half cent tax, for good roads and better water, and they wanted you to do this so badly, they had a special election for it.
In a presentation, the sitting county chair, waved a paper around and kept stating that it was needed, and “it is right here!”
No one was allowed to see the infamous paper that was waived around, and of course the referendum failed, and the rest is history.
After the failure, the county management, I feel, was in turmoil, IT DO NOT PASS, OH NOW WHAT DO WE DO?
I do not know who came up with the fix for it, but I am sure one of our illustrious council members, who was a past city commissioner found the recourse, increase property taxes to cover the cost.
So now we have the last of the budget hearings, and well there will be another 4.8 percent, they call it a tax increase, I call it a punishment on the citizens for not passing their half cent tax, allocated on our property.
Now we can have better roads, that’s a joke, and better water, the punch line to the joke.
Let me explain.
The department of roads and bridges has a listing of all the roads in need of repair, and the dates the will begin work on the. This is repairing pot holes, cracks, and such. This is not about building new roads, it is about repair. Not anywhere near the million dollars plus per mile cost of building a new road.
As far as the water situation, all our drinking water comes from the aquifer, and I discussed that in a previous podcast.
This failed tax vote was about waste water treatment plants, so you can be charged 12 to 15 thousand dollars for you to hook up to a sewer system.
How do I know this, I was there, in these preliminary meetings, so I have first hand experience.
What you cannot pay that? Well there is aplan in place for that, they will be so nice to assess it to your tax bill, and you can make annual payments on your property taxes.
How nice of them to do that for you.
Not really.
For you see my dear friends and neighbors, it is all just a money grab, and to be honest, it is more dangerous to the environment to have a CO2 belching, overpriced, inefficient waste water treatment plant, than to have a properly maintained septic system.
What? Septic tanks are better than a sewer system?
Here it is folks, the truth they do not want you to hear, listen up all you environmentalist, because this may contradict all that you may have heard, and of course you will not believe it.
All of this information I am about to give you, comes from a simple google search, first I will explain to you the process of a treatment plant, that will attempt to handle anywhere from 20 to maybe 50 thousand homes, which is about a half a million individual, if you include businesses and patrons.
First things first, Sewer plants are made of concrete, and you may not know this, but concrete expels a tremendous amount of CO2, and other green house gases when it is hardening and curing. Just thought I would let you know the several tons of concrete needed to build this facility, well you can research that if you want.
Our source is, the department of environmental protection, and of course our government would never lie to us, yeah right.
Primary Treatment
As sewage enters a plant for treatment, it flows through a screen, which removes large floating objects such as rags and sticks that might clog pipes or damage equipment. After sewage has been screened, it passes into a grit chamber, where cinders, sand, and small stones settle to the bottom. A grit chamber is particularly important in communities with combined sewer systems where sand or gravel may wash into sewers along with storm water. After screening is completed and grit has been removed, sewage still contains organic and inorganic matter along with other suspended solids. These solids are minute particles that can be removed from sewage in a sedimentation tank.
Biosolids are usually removed from tanks by pumping, after which it may be further treated for use as a fertilizer, or disposed of in a land fill or incinerated.
Secondary Treatment The secondary stage of treatment removes about 85 percent of the organic matter in sewage by making use of the bacteria in it. The principal secondary treatment techniques used in secondary treatment are the trickling filter and the activated sludge process. After effluent leaves the sedimentation tank in the primary stage it flows or is pumped to a facility using one or the other of these processes. A trickling filter is simply a bed of stones from three to six feet deep through which sewage passes.

So that is how a sewage treatment plant works. That is directly from their brochure, printed and distributed to the masses, and basically the framework for the process of sewage disposal.

So now we look at a septic tank system, this information comes from
1. All waste flows to the septic tank.
2. Watery waste, called “effluent,” fills most of the tank. Anaerobic bacteria begin breaking down the organic material in the effluent.
3. A layer of sludge falls to the bottom. Sludge is composed of inorganic solids and the byproducts of bacterial digestion.
4. A layer of scum floats to the top. Scum is primarily composed of fats, greases and oils.
The septic tank acts like a settling pond. Greases and oils float to the top. Heavier solids sink to the bottom.
5. A filter prevents most solids from entering the outlet pipe.
6. Effluent flows to the drain field.
The drain septic field provides a large area where bacteria can thrive and treated water can seep into the ground.
7. Holes in the drain septic field pipe allow effluent to seep into surrounding gravel.
Gravel around pipes allows water to flow into soil and oxygen to reach bacteria.
8. Aerobic bacteria in gravel and soil complete decomposition of the waste.
9. Clean water seeps down into the groundwater and aquifer.
And to keep you septic system working at optimal efficiency, you should have it pumped out periodically
Wait one minute, correct me if I am wrong, but the process is almost the same!
One difference is that a 2000 gallon system can handle a household, very adequately.
Now if we look at the dispersion of the affluent over a very large are, af bout 12 hundred square miles, the intrusion of the affluent is much less than if you were dumping several thousand gallons in on spot.
So, as I see it, this is not, and I will say it again, NOT about the environment.
This is very simply a mandatory money maker.
Twelve thousand to hook up, and triple the cost of water. Yes they charge you three times more per gallon for sewer in addition to your water bill.
I played this before but, I felt it needed to be heard again.
So now you have heard the joke, and the punch line, not very funny if you ask me.
Actually the joke was played on us, the citizens of Volusia County.
Maybe it is time to wake up folks.
Maybe it is time for us to have the last laugh.
Maybe it is time to really clean up our house, and put someone in the positions to make Volusia County the tax reducing county government that we all dream of.
No more yes men and women.
No more bending to the whims and wishes of the outside influencers.
How do you do this, I am only one person.
Here is how, see I identified the problem, now the solution.
Educate yourself on your local politicians.
Go to these debates, handshaking event, rubber chicken dinners, and fundraisers.
Get in front of them and ask them the important questions, the ones important to you and your neighbors.
Get them to commit to you, and everyone in your district to lower taxes, stop supporting corporate welfare, stop being the puppet of the county manager and the media.
You also have to work, we have to hold their feet to the fire, and remind them, and every other elected official, you work for us, time them to use some common sense.